What are the outcomes of using the six thinking hats method?
The objective is to shake us out of our existing pattern of thinking. To challenge our existing mode of thinking. Each hat represents a distinctive way of thinking. You wear a hat you are not used to wearing, you think in ways you have not thought before, new possibilities emerge..
What is the Six Thinking Hat strategy?
Six Thinking Hats or Edward de Bono's Six Hats is a good decision making technique and method for group discussions and individual thinking. Combined with the parallel thinking process, this technique helps groups think more effectively. It is a means to organize thinking processes in a detailed and cohesive manner.
1.White hat- came first giving all kinds of information related to Tv - What kind of shows, channels etc can be viewed on the TV.
2.Black Hat - The negative side or the warnings to be aware of when it comes to watching TV.
3.Yellow Hat - How the TV can be used constructively given all the positive points or benefits related to it.
4.Green Hat - What if I don't watch TV and divert my interest or spare time in something else?
5.Red Hat - What do you feel when you are allowed to watch TV for hours? What do you feel when you have watched TV for hours and then your home work stays pending? What do you feel when you fight with your siblings only so that you can watch your favourite TV show/cartoon.Do you feel it was worth it?
6.Blue Hat - So what are the important points with which we can conclude the discussion and what are the points to be kept in mind for lifetime when it comes to TV?
•To see how you might use the six hats in your own work, let us consider one of the examples mentioned.
“A coffee house (let’s call them ‘coffee stop’) is getting a growing number of complaints from customers as they are having to wait too long for their coffee – how can they solve this problem?” •Joe, the current store manager has a team of eight people who work in a variety of roles. As the shop is closed on a Sunday Joe has asked the team to come together for a problem-solving exercise. •Joe introduces the team to six hats thinking before breaking them into two groups of four. He mixes up the group to create some diversity in thinking. •Joe tells them that each group will undertake six 15-minute rounds of six hat thinking, wearing a different hat for each round. Joe has the groups where hats in a logical order so that discussions flow toward a final outcome. |
•Joe facilitates the group through the six 15-minute discussions, considering the problem from the perspective represented by their hat colour. They are asked to write their thoughts and ideas on post it notes, keeping them for the end of the six sessions.
•Once the groups have worn all the hats Joe facilitates the whole group to share their thoughts for each of the hats, giving the team a full picture of the problem from all perspectives. |
How does Six thinking Hat method help in decision making?
"Six Thinking Hats" is a way of investigating an issue from a variety of perspectives, but in a clear, conflict-free way. It can be used by individuals or groups to move outside habitual ways of thinking, try out different approaches, and then think constructively about how to move forward.
Using Six Thinking Hats during idea generation, your innovation team will be able to:
Using Six Thinking Hats during idea generation, your innovation team will be able to:
- Maximize creative thinking as well as productive and focused collaboration,
- See and understand all angles of the idea,
- Spot and define opportunities and benefits,
- Consider and analyze potential problems, risks and issues,